Visegrad Fund projects

Visegrad Fund

V4 Budapest 18.11.2024. – 21.11.2024.

V4 Wroclaw 15.10.2024.-18.10.2024.

V4 Prága 24.09.2024.-27.09.2024.

Visegrád Fund V4 GEN MiniGrant pályázati siker


V4 Pozsony 07.06.2022.-09.06.2022.




V4 Ustron, Lengyelország 01.06.2022.-03.06.2022.

V4 Prága 04.05.2022.-06.05.2022. Mozgó képen

V4 Prága 04.05.2022.-06.05.2022.


V4 Budapest 15.09.2021. – 17.09.2021.

V4 – Budapest (17.09.2021.)

V4 – Budapest (16.09.2021.)

V4 – Budapest (15.09.2021.)

V4- Folk Dance – Patai Dávid

V4- Poland presentation – download


V4-Kahoot about Prague


V4 – Introduction videos


V4 Countries


Project Summary

V4 countries’ cultural heritage – learning from the past, creating the future

The primary objective of the project is to raise awareness among members of local communities of the cultural, historical and political heritage which has co-existed among the countries within the V-4 group. The project itself is supposed to emphasize the common roots that our countries derive from as well as suggests methods of bridging cultural differences which, in turn, will give us an opportunity to strengthen and enhance cooperation between our states with the emphasis on overcoming linguistic barriers by implementing the English language as the primary means to cementing our relationship. Discussing and deliberating on common roots should trigger greater cultural understanding as well as disseminate the previously acquired knowledge on a wider scale. Judging by the fact that most of the students in our schools have insufficient knowledge of the historical and cultural fact which are responsible for our current socio-political location, there must be a number of initiatives whose goal will be to expand and broaden the horizons of the younger generation mind-sets. Since English has become „the lingua franca” our contemporary times, it will be utilized as the tool to communicate throughout the project.


A 2020-as év első Visegrad Fund Grants pályázatán iskolánk sikeres pályázatot nyújtott be.

A 2020-as év első Visegrad Fund Grants pályázatán iskolánk sikeres pályázatot nyújtott be.

A következő 18 hónapban 4 visegrádi ország iskolája fog együttműködni.


Fakultní základní školas rozšířenou výukou jazyků při PedF UK Drtinova 1/1861150 00 / Praha 5-Smíchov

Gymnázium Jána Papánka /Bratislava

Szkola Podstawowa  nr 6 im. Józefa Kreta /Ustron